Project Management
During the design phase we plan the entire process and coordinate projects from various specialties with architecture, always with the objective to minimize costs and optimize solutions.
- Coordination and management of architectural and engineering
- Production of drawings for the construction, quantify and budgeting
- Planning of works in the design phase and optimization of the final costs
- Preparation of Tender Programs
- Analysis of Construction Tenders
For more information about Project Management, please contact us
Engineering Projects
At our systems engineering division we ensure that all likely aspects of a project are considered, and integrated into a whole. We invest in the necessary tools for the success of our projects. We have certified technicians and quality software that allows us to increase the quality. We deliver projects in several countries and have the structure ready to respond to all your requests. We essentially bring buildings and structures to life.
Structural Engineering
- Reinforced concrete structures
- Steel structures
- Wood Structures
- Structural Rehabilitation
- Peripheral Contention
- Special Foundations
Infrastructure projects
- Roads
- Drainage and sewage
- Water services and gas supply
- Infrastructure for electricity and telecommunications
Building Services Engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- HVAC: heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- Refrigeration
- Plumbing or public health (MEP) engineering: Water services, drainage and plumbing
- Electrical engineering
- Artificial lighting and emergency lighting,
- ICT: Communication lines, telephones and IT networks
- Low voltage (LV) systems, containment, distribution, distribution boards and switchgear
- Lightning protection
- Security, CCTV and alarm systems
- Vertical transportation: escalators and lifts
- Fire engineering, including fire detection and fire protection
- Natural lighting design
- Energy supply – gas, electricity and renewable sources
- Acoustical Engineering – Including vibration isolation and noise reduction
- Thermical engineering – verification of the thermal behavior (RCCTE)
For more information about Project Management, please contact us
Review of Projects, rehabilitation, alternative project solutions, quantification and budgeting. We answer to all your engineering problems.
- Review of projects
- Consultancy advice and technical solutions in different areas of intervention
- Development of energetic audits according to RSECE (Regulation of Building Energy Systems Climate).
- Thermical Simulation and CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics: Computational tool to simulate the flow of fluids (liquids and gases) in any geometrical flow.
- Issuance of Regulamentar Compliance Statements pursuant to RCCTE (Characteristics of Thermal Performance of Buildings Regulations) and RSECE (Regulation of Building Energy Systems Climate Control).
- Conducting periodical inspections to boilers and air conditioning systems
- Execution of plans for energy rationalization (PREn) according to RGCE (Regulation for Energy Consumption Management)
For more information about Consultancy, please contact us
Supervision and Construction Management
We have a team specializing in the Supervision and onsite Inspection of private and public works, Construction Management, Supporting the preparation of tenders for private and public works.
- Management of private and public works
- Supervision of civil engineering works, infrastructure, buildings and geotechnical works
- Direction and management of public and private works
- Management and analysis of project
- Analysis of Tenders and Negotiations
- Preparation of the Minutes for General Contract
- Quality control, costs, and work schedules
- Provisional acceptance and closure
- Preparation of Health and Safety Plan for the design phase and in the execution phase
- Coordination of safety in the design phase and in the execution phase
- Supervision of the on-site Health and Safety Regulations
- Health and Safety audits
For more information about Consultancy, please contact us
Health and Safety
We provide Health and Safety services either in Project and on Site, we implement and audit Health and Safety Systems and control the conditions.
- Prepares the Health and Safety Plan in the Project and Work Phase
- Safety Coordination in the Construction phase
- Supervision of Health and Safety Regulations on site
- Health and Safety Audits